RI 2030 Priority: Creating a Healthier Rhode Island
Healthy residents are an important component of a resilient and productive state. Governor McKee is committed to fostering a holistic and comprehensive approach to health, human services, and community support that ensures every resident can thrive. Investments in children and families not only support our state today, but also ensure the health and well-being of Rhode Island’s future generations. Meanwhile, we will continue easing the financial burden on our older adults and Veterans by investing in workforce transition programs, increasing support for in-home care, and funding mental health and healthcare services to ensure these populations are supported and can thrive.
Our commitment to health and wellness encompasses physical and behavioral health for all Rhode Islanders. We manage the needs of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, bolster the state hospital system, and provide robust support for individuals facing mental health and substance use disorders. Addressing and preventing homelessness remains a critical focus, as we work to provide stable housing solutions and comprehensive care for those in need. Together, these efforts are designed to create a healthier Rhode Island where every individual has the opportunity to feel good and lead a safe, fulfilling life.