Expanding Career and Technical Education Opportunities
- Offered 300 RIDE-approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs housed in all high schools, postsecondary institutions, adult skills training facilities, or CTE centers across the state. This is a 91-percent increase in programming since the 2015-2016 school year.
- Measured a 23.5 percent compounding annual growth rate in annual enrollment in CTE related courses, from 5,485 students in 2017 to 19,483 students in 2023.
- Achieved higher CTE student performance on national assessments and a higher four-year CTE student graduation rate compared to their non-CTE peers.
- Managed postsecondary partnerships between CTE programs and colleges and universities across Rhode Island.
- Developed a new online visual dashboard that showcases CTE programs across the state of Rhode Island, as well as a data dashboard that makes CTE Accountability data easier to view and understand.
- Founded the Menu for Success Student Food Truck Initiative, granting 15 LEAs a food truck and associated supports to provide students with career-ready skills in entrepreneurship, culinary arts, automotive learning, and graphic design.
- Opened the CTE Comprehensive Equity Grant program, which aims to close equity gaps and create opportunities for MLLs, who have not historically participated in high-quality CTE programs.
- Invested $6.9 million to renovate a health-career classroom space at Davies Career and Technical School.